Reach for the stars


Focus: By May 2021, 75% or more of students in Grades 3-5 will meet or exceed their mathematical growth goal and/or meet the norm grade level goal (50% percentile) as evidenced by the Math iReady Diagnostic assessment.

Rationale: Sussex Avenue School is committed to ensuring that every student learns and ascends in Mathematics. Students will work towards rigorous growth goals across Numbers & Operations, Algebra & Algebraic Thinking, Measurement & Data, and Geometry. 

This year, we began utilizing Ready Classroom for a mathematical resource.  Through a blend of purposeful print and digital components, the Ready Classroom makes mathematics accessible to all students, rigorous practice opportunities that build students’ conceptual understanding and procedural fluency, increases student engagement through mathematical discourse, therefore building competency and confidence. 

Smart Goal: By May 2021, the following will be achieved:

  • 75%-79% of all students will meet the norm (50th percentile) and/or meet their typical growth goal on the i-Ready Math End of Year Diagnostic Assessment


Action Steps:

  • Support teacher implementation of Ready Classroom Math

  • Train/Support teachers to implement fact-based games to increase fact fluency flexibility. 

  • Utilize diagnostic, formative & summative data to inform math instruction, using readiness reports provided for each lesson

  • Develop a student growth plan to address developmentally appropriate fact fluency for addition & subtraction and multiplication & division for 3rd grade to 5th grade students.  

  • Students will set fluency goals. Teachers will show students how to analyze their own data (i.e. which facts they have and have not mastered) 

  • Use informal and formal observation to ensure the fidelity of curriculum delivery and pacing.

  • Work collaboratively with the grade level team to establish a routine to analyze lesson data during PLCs and provide feedback.

  • Utilize comprehension checks to monitor mastery of standards. Provide targeted instruction for pre-requisite acquisition and enrichment.