Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
The Morris School District adopts an inquiry-based approach to program development that relies on research vis-à-vis wise practice in the discipline. The various Curriculum Committees go through a thorough process of conducting research to develop a synthesis of current wisdom in the discipline with faculty members and administrators engaging in research to align with core philosophical understandings, the latest in the field regarding “best” instructional practice, reviewing and recommending effective instructional materials, and supporting any new curriculum with professional development to establish a coherent program design.
The discipline specific content areas listed within our website contain the core course curricula. The many elective courses offered at Morristown High School can be viewed in the Program of Studies. Copies of our elective course curricula can be viewed and shared as the need arises by simply contacting the Curriculum Office at 973 292 2300 ext 2112.
Parents can now access the Morris School District's Rubicon Atlas website. This site allows you to view curriculum information for all grade levels and courses. Click the link below to visit the site and begin browsing.
Morris School District's Rubicon Atlas Link
Directions for using Rubicon Atlas:
Use the globe icon/Browse to access Unit Calendars
On Next Screen:
1. Use Last filter on left side of page --“Type a Course Name”
2. Type the name of the course you’re searching for
3. Choose course from drop down and select “Browse”
4. Click on course title (in red)
5. In the Unit Calendar--Click on the name of each unit to view.
Note: Any curriculum not available in Rubicon Atlas is still available on the MSD website. As those curriculum documents are revised, they will be moved to Rubicon Atlas. Please contact your school's principal with any questions about curriculum and/or Rubicon Atlas.
Summer Packets Entering grades 1-6
K-5 Report card parent guide book